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FAQ Categories
Maintenance in Progress. Data might not be updated until it is finished.
1Summary report per aircraft for OA-6990
2Summary on departures by airport (top 100 at most)
3Summary on arrivals by airport (top 100 at most)
4Detailed flight log of OA-6990 (Click here for flights on or before 2024-04-30)
5Recent data changes (top 100 by time descent)
6Registration status

Summary report per aircraft for OA-6990 (top 100 at most) [TOP ↑]

# Type Total flight duration Effective flight time   # Type Total flight duration Effective flight time
1 Boeing 777-200 11:53:27 09:53:10   2 Boeing 777-300 01:10:15 01:10:10
Total flight time Effective flight time Effective flight rate Last month Last week Overall rank
13:03:42 11:03:20 84.641% 00:00:00 00:00:00 827

Summary on departures/arrivals by airport (top 100 at most)

Departure airports [TOP ↑]
# ICAO Name Count # ICAO Name Count
1 KLAX Los Angeles International Airport 3 2 ---- Unknown 3
3 KCLT Charlotte Douglas International Airport 2
Arrival airports [TOP ↑]
# ICAO Name Count # ICAO Name Count
1 ---- Unknown 4 2 KCLT Charlotte Douglas International Airport 2
3 KLAX Los Angeles International Airport 2

Detailed flight log of OA-6990 (Click here for flights on or before 2024-04-30) [TOP ↑]

No. Type Start time Airport End time Airport EF Time wpts

Recent data changes (top 100 by time descent) [TOP ↑]

# Time Action Modified by Extra note
1 9/16/2018, 04:19:18 UTC 50 waypoint(s) removed from flight 7018391 due to plane idling FGTracker Service
2 9/16/2018, 04:19:18 UTC 34 waypoint(s) removed from flight 7018348 due to plane idling FGTracker Service
3 9/16/2018, 04:19:18 UTC 16 waypoint(s) removed from flight 7018340 due to plane idling FGTracker Service
4 9/16/2018, 04:19:17 UTC 453 waypoint(s) removed from flight 7018155 due to plane idling FGTracker Service
5 9/16/2018, 04:19:15 UTC 11 waypoint(s) removed from flight 7017978 due to plane idling FGTracker Service
6 5/18/2018, 05:12:57 UTC Auto merge flight 7018517 to 7018391 FGTracker MPSERVER01
7 5/18/2018, 03:40:17 UTC Auto merge flight 7018479 to 7018391 FGTracker MPSERVER01
8 5/18/2018, 03:12:17 UTC Auto merge flight 7018463 to 7018391 FGTracker MPSERVER01
9 5/18/2018, 01:55:27 UTC Auto merge flight 7018420 to 7018391 FGTracker MPSERVER01
10 5/18/2018, 01:33:37 UTC Auto merge flight 7018407 to 7018391 FGTracker MPSERVER01
Registration status: Activated [TOP ↑]