My flight journey is separated into 2 flights!
This usually caused by internet interruption between you and FGMS. Try using the FGMS with lowest ping.
Can I merge my flights which being separated?
Yes. Go to the end (arrival) of the targeted flight. If case justifies, there will be a button called “Merge previous flight with this session” for you to merge previous flight.
"case justify" in above means:
(1) Previous flight and current flight are having the same type of aircraft;
(2) Previous flight’s end time and current flight’s start time is less than 60 seconds; and,
(3) Previous flight’s arrival location and current flight’s departure location is less than 33333 meters.
If you are having a separated flight that falls out from the criteria mentioned above, You may report here or PM me and I will merge them manually.
There is data discrepancy in my tracked flights. May I fix it myself?
Currently all data fixes besides flights merging has to go through me. Data will only be altered/deleted according to the “Data handing” section of Rules and Obligations when using FGTracker (fgtracker.us.to).
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