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Flight details

Callsign: G551JKType: (DHC6)
Start time: 2017-08-06 00:16:06 UTC (**
2017-08-05 20:16:06-04
) (---- - Unknown)
End time: 2017-08-06 01:13:53 UTC (**
2017-08-05 21:13:53-04
) (VQBT - Bathpalathang Airport)
Duration: 00:57:47 Total distance: 64 nm
Max altitude: 16988 feetMax ground speed: 168 kts
Effective flight time: 00:28:00

*Effective flight time: Time the plane's Ground speed faster than 5 knots.
** Time converted to timezone which reported by your browser. For reference only.

Previous flight details

Previous flight
Type: Eurocopter Bo105 Previous Arrival - current departure distance:280920M
Start time:
2017-08-05 02:13:27-04
End time:
2017-08-05 02:55:50-04

Flight map:

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Data alteration log of this flight
# Time Action Operating user Extra comments
1 2018-09-16 00:04:52.11-04 177 waypoint(s) removed from flight 6928727 due to plane idling FGTracker Service