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Upgrade to PostgreSQL13

Posted by Hazuki on 2020/12/13 7:18:54 (902 reads)

With the unhappy experience in PostgreSQL12 , I will arrange the DB clean up and upgrade sooner on 15.12.2020 from 0000-1200hrs. During the said time, as usual, while the FGTracker service is suspended, your flights will still be recorded by FGMS (MPSERVERXX) and the data during the suspension will tranfer to FGTracker after the tracker is resumed.

Fly safe. Stay safe.


Edit 15.12.2020 0830UTC: While the Database is upgraded to v13, The clean up job runs way longer than expected (I have no idea why Postgresql performs so badly on a simple deletion). While I have no exact resumption time, please expect FGTracker be resumed by 16.12.2020 0400hrs.

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