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Posted by hazuki On 2012/8/20 14:24:59 (816 reads)

With the release of fgms 0.10.21. Most of the bugs, including all mentioned below is fixed. Now we expecting the mpserver network is stable as it should be Very Happy

Posted by hazuki On 2012/8/4 13:28:49 (929 reads)

Currently, FGtracker has various bugs leading connection leak, pid exhaust and re-connection issue which from time to time breaking down the server. I have decided to pull the FGtracker down at any time I am free to modify the program.


You may ask why this is not to be done in a testing environemt, Well, the answer is: this is a volunteey work and I have no interest on setting up a testing environment, which is really time consuming XD



Posted by hazuki On 2012/7/2 3:42:30 (842 reads)

Connect to mpserver15.flightgear.org!

Posted by hazuki On 2012/6/28 12:21:39 (1017 reads)

Finally the tracker resumes normal. The outage was caused by a bug in fgms and the fix was pushed to git on Jun 24. As of the time this post was made,  mpserver01, mpserver10, mpserver14 and mpserver15 are connecting to this tracker, and mpserver12 connect to another tracker maintained by evilslut.

Posted by hazuki On 2012/6/9 12:23:48 (1139 reads)

The Tracker DB cannot be reached for some resaon. I PMed ahven and asked him to check what's going on with his server. Please be patient until the problem is fixed.


EDIT: 2012-06-16 18:46+08 Looks like the upstream server is not recoverable. I am now contacting the owner of mpserverXX to re-direct the data traffic to a new server. This site will no longer update until the traffic has been re-directed by the owner of mpserverXX.


EDIT: 2012-06-21 21:51+08 Now the tracker only tracks fgfs connecting to this site (mpserver15.flightgear.org). Please change the setting accordingly if you want your flights be tracked. (see below)