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Posted by hazuki On 2012/4/29 12:00:00 (806 reads)

Today I have replaced the DB storage from HDD to SSD and the result was impressive. A page which needed 3 minute to generate now it only takes less than 30 sec. Some over 80% of time is saved.


BTW, in these few days the tracker trackes mpserver01's flights. In case you can't get you flight tracked, mpserver08 might still be your (only) friend.

Posted by hazuki On 2012/4/9 8:31:14 (900 reads)

Your flights not getting tracked? Connect to mpserver08.flightgear.org might help!

Posted by hazuki On 2012/1/9 7:20:00 (867 reads)

When the tracker site seems slow (should be always though XD), please access it a moment later (e.g. 10 min). I don't think you'll expect a 5 year old desktop will run fast with a 28GB Database right?


Do not refresh the page again, again and again! Doing so will only boost up the load of the server.


The main problem is slow I/O of Hard disk.I am seeking a idle SSD at my end but apperentely no luck. When it comes, the site will revive.

Posted by hazuki On 2011/12/13 2:50:00 (950 reads)

Since 2011-12-13 04:53+08 the Tracker site (http://fgtracker.ahven.eu/flightgear/) cannot communicate with the Master DB (which is the first guy receiving the Data from MP network). We are investigating the issue but probably DDos is encountered.


EDIT 16:36+08: A connection flood is confirmed and the flood is now under control. We expect that the service resumes normal now.

Posted by hazuki On 2011/10/11 5:40:00 (912 reads)
FlightGear : If it is broken...
Posted by ahven on 2011/6/20 20:44:25 (357 reads) News by the same author

replace it! The upgrade to a new version clearly failed and I thought of doing a clean installation. The main reason was that the Private Messaging wasn't working at all. All of the previous userdata is imported from the last page. Some minor tweaks are to be made but the main thing - tracker (and planner) - is working.





After some disastrous database command from ahven XD, the tracker site has to be move to here. Might be you don't love this site, but probably this site is the only one without data corrupted.


There isn't any PM function here. Should you want to contact site owner please shout at #[email protected]